• “古佳妮创造了一个如此清晰、黑暗的世界,并义无反顾地把我们带入其中。这个26岁的女孩不简单!”


    “She created such a clear, dark world and brought us, uncompromising, into it. That is one sophisticated 26-year-old!”

    —Paul Brohan, MidAtlantic Arts Foundation



    “EXIT grabs your heart and takes your breath away.”

    —Youth Speaks Art Blog, China

    “作为奥斯陆国际舞蹈节 CODA 2017 的一部分,我们很高兴在欧洲首演古佳妮的《插销》。插销为 我们的观众提供了对年轻一代中国编舞的早该了解的机会。插销精准的编舞、建筑设计、创新的灯光和身临其境的声音,证明了其创作者古佳妮(中国有前途的新秀之一)的强烈个人和整体视野。”

    —Eckhard Thiemann -副艺术策展人 -CODA 2017

    “We were very pleased to present the European premiere of Gu Jiani's EXIT as part of CODA 2017, the Oslo International Dance Festival. EXIT offered our audiences a long-overdue insight into a younger generation of Chinese choreographers. EXIT's precise choreography, architectural design, innovative lighting and immersive sound gave credence to a strong personal and holistic vision of its creator Gu Jiani - one of China's promising new talent.”

    —Eckhard Thiemann - Associate Artistic Curator - CODA 2017



    “Her body is full of contradictions, with a sense of apathy and toughness at first sight, but is also exquisite and tender if you look carefully. Various ways of physical falls are experimented in ‘Exit’, until the three dancers break through their physical limits, and then it’s no longer acting, but rather physiological reactions.”

    —Chen Ran (critic of Chinese Performing Arts Report)


    —方美昂Alison Friedman(香港⻄九⻰文化艺术中心总监、前乒乓策划负责人)

    “Gu Jiani is a choreographer with great potential. The power in her dance vocabulary stands out among the Chinese females choreographer who take the lyrical and gentle route.”

    Alison Friedman (Director of Hongkong West Kowloon Culture and Arts Center, former director for Pingpong Production)


    —钱梦妮 中间美术馆展览部负责人

    “Loud and profound, I fell into ecstasy. Higher inorganics and lower organics: inertia, rebound, and agravity. The “power” herself dances among three in a precise rhythm, with dramatic lighting and noise design .”

    —Qian Mengni (Exhibition director of Beijing Inside-Out Art Museum)






    —Lilya Minfang Wu(无垢舞蹈剧场执行制作)

    “Very exciting performance.

    With people depending on one another.

    People guiding one another.

    People confining one another.

    People never belonging to one another.”

    —Lilya Minfang Wu (Legend Lin Dance Theatre)

    “‘舞蹈秋天’还有两档,到目前所呈现节目都挑战了既有对所谓舞蹈和身体的认知与破局,确实精 彩。最能带来触动和启发的作品,莫过于以下两个(编者注:指高谷史郎作品《靜/止》与十口无团作 品《插销》)。以为映照出亚洲整体价值,之于美学和与现实环境建立共处关系之间 的张力,甚至对 ⻄方影响的反噬,具有宏观的时代格局和深刻思想流转其间的实践,很有意思,让人想持续关注。 尤其古佳妮是那么年轻,所在的环境限制非常多,资源更难获得,竞争又激烈...”

    —Chufen Chavah Chang(云⻔舞集舞蹈教室,执行⻓办公室)

    “‘Dancing in Autumn art festival’has two more shows. The excellent shows presented so far all challenge our existing knowledge of dance and body. The most touching and inspiring two works are Shiro takatani’s ‘Still’ and Untitled Group’s ‘Exit’. The works reflect the value of Asia as a whole, present the tension in the coexistence of aesthetics and reality, and with a holistic vision of time and profound thinking based practice, the works are even counteractive at western impacts, which is fascinating.”

    —Chufen Chavah Chang (Cloud Gate Dance Studio, CEO’s office)